Sunday, October 28, 2012

~A Special Thanks to All~

I would like to take this opportunity to give a warm and special thanks to all of my colleagues. I appreciate each and everyone of you for sharing your perspectives,insights and personal experiences in your blogs and discussion posts. With your help I learned many new things.  

I wish all of you the best of luck..and hope that achieve your highest goals!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

~Adjourning Stage in Team Development~

Adjourning stage:  the stage of group development in which members reflect on their accomplishments and failures as well as determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project (O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., 2012).

I believe many people will agree the adjourning stage can sometimes be difficult or seen as a relief.  I personally think this is influenced by the success of the group.  Groups that did not consist of trust and togetherness will probably look forward to dismantling the group.  However,  I believe that they must take the mistakes and mishaps that occurred and use them as learning tools for success in other group work.

On the other hand the groups that worked well together, and accomplished goals may have a difficult time leaving one another.  Many will more than likely decide to work together on another project simply because the trust and commitment is validated already.

The closing rituals that I enjoyed the most is recapping our experiences as a team.  During this time we shared the good, bad , and the ugly; as well as the coulda (could have), wouldas (would haves), and shouldas (should haves).  

I would imagine the adjourning stage from the group of colleagues I have formed while receiving my master's will consist of exchanging best wishes, maybe contact information and thanking one another for sharing personal experiences, perspectives, and advice. 


O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M.,.  (2012).  Real Communication: An Introduction.  New York:Bedford/St.Martin's. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

~Resolving Conflicts~

 A disagreement that I recently experienced is with my sister in law.  I have always disapproved of her parenting styles, but I have never voiced my opinion.  Well, while at a family gathering an incident occurred between my 4 year old nephew (her son) and my little cousin (5 or 6 years old).  I really don't know all the details of the altercation, but was told my nephew said some curse words and smacked my little cousin in the face.  I was approaching my nephew to discipline him, when my sister in law rushed up and grabbed him saying "his auntie not going to whoop him and he need his a** whooped".  So she snatched him from my hand, slapped across the face while cursing at him.  I was beyond upset and at this point and it was evident when I spoke.  I harshly attacked her parenting skills, and let her know that her son is doing the only thing she has ever taught him.  This turned into a big altercation, that led to other family members taking sides and at the end of it all the overall message was lost during the midst of the conflict.

With this situation I could have done a lot of things differently.  For instance I could have controlled my emotions, and waited until I was calm enough to approach her.  I should have also pulled her to the side and talked privately to her and not at her.  However, the  most important thing I think I should have done is to speak on the negative behaviors when I first noticed them instead of sweeping them under the rug and allowing tensions to build.