Saturday, June 23, 2012

**When I Think of Research**

 Taking this course has caused me to develop a new respect and admiration for researchers and the hard work that they do.  Researchers devote a tremendous amount of time, dedication, and hard work into their studies.  Before taking this course I knew absolutely nothing about the steps needed in planning, designing, and conducting research.  One of the most important things that I learned about research is that the researcher must carefully plan out every single detail during the planning and designing phases.  This includes everything from selecting the topic, participants and data collection to the manner in which data will be analyzed and everything in between.  It is almost as if researcher must foresee any problems and find possible solutions before they even occur.  

The most challenging part of conducting my research simulation was developing a research question.  I knew exactly what I wanted to ask, I just could not seem to put it into words.  In order to overcome this challenge I had to work my research in reverse so to speak.  I designed every aspect of the research project and then I formulated my research question.

I have always had a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for early childhood professionals.  Early childhood professionals work very hard and are dedicated to their field.  It is sad to say that many professionals of our field are often overlooked and under-appreciated.  Taking this course has given me all the more reason to respect and applaud ec professionals.  I mean, I have always known that this field requires a lot of hard work, but I could have never imagined the phenomenal work that goes into a research project. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

~International Research~

For this weeks assignment I decided to explore the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) website @  

The research topics that I have listed below caught my attention because they are aligned with this week's learning topics.

* Introducing children's perspectives and participation in research.

* Research with children: three challenges for participatory research in early childhood.

* Listening to young citizens: the struggle to make real a participatory paradigm in research with young children.

Some other topics that I find interesting are:

* Something to talk about: does the language use of pre-school teachers invite children to participate in democratic conversation?

* Playing and learning in another language: ensuring good quality early years education in a language revitalisation programme

* Practicum assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse early childhood pre-service teachers

The EECERJ, the Journal of EECERA, is one of the most prestigious early childhood journals in the world. It is one of only four early years journals indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information.